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Cas Gasi Ibiza Concierge Service: Where everything is possible

Cas Gasi Ibiza Concierge Service: Where everything is possible

Yes, we know. Concierge services are a dime a dozen in Ibiza. And of course, here at Cas Gasi, we more-than-happily offer the standard services such as chauffeur driven cars, babysitting services, yacht charters, VIP tables and restaurant reservations, but we also have plenty of experience at going the extra mile to keep our guests satisfied.

You see, no wish is too small and no amount of effort too big for us. Just ask a certain supermodel (unnamed for confidentiality of course), who – after a photo shoot here in the hotel – flew to Barcelona, forgetting her all-important authentic designer clothing which was urgently required the following morning (not to mention worth an unimaginable sum of money). When the model’s agent requested a courier send the items, we discovered that it was impossible at that time of day to arrange via any courier company. So Cas Gasi owner Luis simply hopped aboard the next domestic flight, garments firmly in his hands and delivered them personally.

Luis was also somewhat of a savior to a very famous ‘80s movie star, who had become enraptured with his style of home cooking within the hotel. When the star and his pals boarded a boat to Formentera to indulge in a day of sport, packing some catering or arranging a restaurant wasn’t enough – they actually took Luis onboard and across the sea, to freshly prepare the fresh seafood just the way he liked it! With a smile, of course…

One particular photo shoot involved an exotic cobra… but its handler had forgotten to arrange its food: live flies and mosquitoes! Not a problem, we found them from a local pet shop and didn’t let the snake go hungry. When there was a problem with a little white dog on a shoot, we volunteered our beloved family pet ‘Potty’ to step in (and we have the magazine photos to prove it!).

Of course, it’s not just the stars that get the star treatment – here at Cas Gasi, every guest is treated equally. We’ve scoured the island for ingredients for guests who have specific food intolerances, we’ve sourced the method and alcohol required to create a desired cocktail, we’ve recreated dishes from menus of years gone by for clients who were craving that exact dish years later. And the requests go on.

The secret is to think of solutions, and never to ask why. Your discretion is guaranteed and because we are a small hotel and team, we have no limitations and can make anything happen. All you have to do is ask…

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