- Cas Gasi -
Fresh produce in abundance
Fresh produce in abundance
The secret to the success of the Cas Gasi kitchen lies in the seasonal produce plucked daily, weekly and monthly from the onsite vegetable gardens and fruit orchards.
Working to the traditional Ibicenco ways of farming – including planting produce according to the phases of the moon and according to the seasonal temperatures – the gardens are constantly turning over new crops, including potatoes, onions, garlic, broccoli, zucchini, aubergine, beetroot, a variety of lettuce and cabbage, tomatoes, pomegranates, loquats, oranges, lemons, figs, strawberries and cherries… and the list just gets bigger every year!
“It’s an around the clock process,” says Cas Gasi owner and eco-farming enthusiast Margaret von Korff. “There are fresh vegetables to harvest every day, and you can’t let a day go by or you miss the moment when the vegetables are at their freshest.” Getting creative in the kitchen is all part of the process, in order to maximise the latest crops and ensure there is minimal wastage (which is ultimately fed to the happy Cas Gasifree range hens).
From snap freezing fresh green beans, homemade ratatouille made from aubergines and zucchini, amazingly preserved fresh tomato sauces, delicious quince paste, fruit conserves and jams, marmalade from the lush oranges to homemade lemonade and lush fresh juices, and even gin infused with fresh flavours, in addition to hearty, healthy and homemade meals, there really is no limit to the ways the abundance of fresh, organic food can be used.

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