Happy New Year and thank you! Hero Image
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- Cas Gasi -
Happy New Year and thank you!

Happy New Year and thank you!

What a wonderful year it’s been at Cas Gasi. We welcomed back many regular guests who have been coming to the hotel for so many years they are now part of the family. We’ve also enjoyed the company of guests new to the hotel. It’s always a delight to re-experience Ibiza through the adventures of people discovering her beauty for the first time.

Our little island keeps growing and Cas Gasi with it. There are plans afoot here and we can’t wait to reveal the changes to you all once they are complete. Suffice to say, the winter is a time for creativity and action. As usual we’ll be keeping the living room fire stoked for our winter guests, who come to enjoy the peaceful beauty of Ibiza in the slow season.

Every year that passes proves Ibiza is a sanctuary for tranquillity and acceptance. While the world roils and rages around us it is essential to remember the important things – family, health and our own good fortune. For those of us blessed to call Ibiza home the island asks one thing from us – to make the most of what we have and enjoy every last moment.

At Cas Gasi, that means sharing our home and love for the island with all those who cross our threshold. Thank you to all those who made 2017 so special – from our guests and our marvellous workers to all the people of Ibiza that keep the island going. As we say adios to 2017, let us welcome with open arms all the joy and good cheer the New Year will bring. We look forward to your company in 2018.

Discover even more captivating tales on our blog.

A Taste of Ibiza

The Story Behind Cas Gasi’s Organic Olive Oil.

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Cas Gasi wins the 2025 Condé Nast Johansens Award for Excellence

Cas Gasi wins the 2025 Condé Nast Johansens Award for Excellence

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