It’s olive harvesting time! Hero Image
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It’s olive harvesting time!

It’s olive harvesting time!

Every autumn, normally in November, is olive harvesting time.

The nets are spread under the olive trees and each branch is “combed” using a flexible tool with teeth like a child’s beach rake, enabling the small Arbequina olives to be gathered.

Next, in two batches, to obtain one younger and fruitier oil, and another that is older and softer, the olives are taken to a modern olive press belonging to some country friends where our organic olives are cold pressed on their own.

This olive juice is left to rest for several days in stainless steel vats for all the sediment to form and then, it is bottled unfiltered in carafes to return to its birthplace as liquid gold.

With the kitchen recently renovated to bring in the latest state-of-the-art design and gadgets, combined with gardener Pepe leaving baskets of fresh fruits and veggies from the garden every day, eating at Cas Gasi is an experience that is simply delectable.

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