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Meet the family: Clara & Viz

Meet the family: Clara & Viz

Nine years ago Clara joined the team (and family) at Cas Gasi. Her main job is to keep seats warm and lick people’s hands. Yes, she is a dog, however, like most Jack Russells she would be appalled to be classed as such. Clara is far too sophisticated to be considered just a mere canine!

Cas Gasi had been without a furry friend for some time when some guests came to stay who happened to be breeders. After their sojourn they kept sending pictures of this gorgeous little puppy and one day brought her along for a visit. She never left. Everyone fell instantly in love with this tiny creature that could still fit into the palm of your hand. It soon became obvious that her quiet and gentle personality was the result of royal lineage; her grandfather had been a gold medallist after all.

Clara ruled the house, as Jack Russells tend to, for many years before an assistant was employed.

Viz joined the family around one year ago after she was spotted in the arms of her owners at a wine tasting in Ibiza. This little dreadlocked ball of joy was simply irresistible. She is a Turco Andaluz, sometimes called a Spanish Water Dog – although several breeds come under that umbrella term. They are an ancient and hard working breed that like to keep busy. All over the world they work in search and rescue, herding, hunting and bomb detection. However here in Ibiza, Viz’s main job at Cas Gasi is to be very cute at all times.

At first Clara ignored her completely. A perfectly understandable tactic – ignore it and it will go away. But Viz didn’t go away and she adored Clara from the start despite the older dog’s cold shoulder. Persistent love and affection eventually won Clara over and now the two are inseparable teammates, in charge of the whole hotel, naturally.

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