- Cas Gasi -
Cas Gasi owners Margaret von Korff and Luis Trigueros Juan pride themselves on using as many sustainable techniques and eco-friendly methods as possible in the day-to-day running of the hotel. Since 1995, the property has been inscribed in organic agriculture and today the onsite gardens are a beautiful sight to behold.
Nothing ever goes to waste at Cas Gasi – olive oil, jams, preserves and ratatouille are made with excess crops, and any remaining fruit and veg is donated to feeding the happy hens, who provide the free-range eggs to the hotel each morning.
Via an advanced water cleansing plant, the wastewater from all hotel’s departments (where no bleach is used in the cleaning nor washing process) is transformed into clean water for irrigation of the decorative plants and flowers.
Having first discovered the use of de-salting plants on boats to produce drinking water from sea water many years ago, the couple were keen to integrate the sustainable re-use of their well water on their land. “I think we have a waste water treatment plant big enough to provide irrigation water for a whole village,” says Margaret, always forward thinking on additional ways to save the precious Cas Gasi environment.
Drawing on the glorious Ibiza sunshine as a resource, Cas Gasi also uses solar heating panels to heat the hotel’s water and – a new addition this season – also the swimming pool and the underfloor heating in the colder seasons. After all, if you’ve got it… why not use it?

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